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ALECE TAKAOKA provides learning and information support to linguistically and culturally diverse youth (CLD youth) with the goal of helping them achieve self-fulfillment through higher education and other means, and to become bridges between Japan and their countries of origin, as well as active members of their local communities. In order to revitalize local communities, which are facing issues such as aging, declining population, and economic stagnation, it is essential to realize a multicultural society that accepts diverse values, cultures, and customs, and that changes and develops together.
ALECE TAKAOKA aims for regional revitalization centered on the education of CLD youth.

Origin of "ALECE"

Organization name before becoming a non-profit organization
Association for Language and Academic Achievement of Foreign Children
↓In Portuguese

Associação de Apoio Linguístico e Educacional para Crianças Estrangeiras
The acronym ALECE TAKAOKA was formed from the initials.


In 2010, we started a study support class for youth with foreign roots who wish to pursue higher education in Japan. Since then, we have gradually expanded the scope of our activities to include three pillars: study support, education-related information support, and Citizenship education.


1.Learning support project

Holding face-to-face learning support classes

Every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m, Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 15:00
Mainly for junior high and high school students.
  Currently, 20 youth with foreign roots (Brazilian, Filipino, Bolivian, and Pakistani) are enrolled.

Holding online learning support classes

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Every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Online learning support using ZOOM.
Mainly for elementary and junior high school students.
Currently enrolls 9 youth with foreign roots, with origins in Brazil and the Philippines.

Multilingual Learning Video Production Project (from May 2017)

We are working with Takaoka Koryo High School (International Club) to create multilingual math learning videos.
The videos are currently available on ALECE TAKAOKA's YouTube.
Video 1 "Positive and Negative Numbers" Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese, and English ver already uploaded.

Information support project

2. Information support project

Providing information and support foreign residents

Prepare materials and conduct information sessions regarding high school entrance
(In 2020-2021, videos will be available on the Alece special page and on Youtube to prevent the spread of corona infection)
In 2022, we conducted in-person sessions and 34 people from various countries, including Russia, the Philippines, Brazil, China, and Pakistan, attended the information sessions.


2014-2016 Toyama Prefectural International Affairs Division "Career Design Support Project for Children with Foreign Roots" Project: Creation and distribution of multilingual materials on parenting, education, and career design.

New Corona Emergency support (Ended.)

Counseling and seminars were held for Brazilians living in Japan in 2020.

Citizenship education projects

3. Citizenship education projects

Citizenship education programs