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Citizenship Education
Program For CLD Youth

About CLD Youth
CLD=Culturally Linguistically Diverse
Culturally and linguistically. Children with diverse backgrounds

Project overview

While Takaoka City in Toyama Prefecture is losing its sustainability due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and an exodus of young people to urban areas, the serious problems faced by CLD youth, such as poor learning, truancy, and low school attendance rates, are often overlooked because the area is scattered with foreign residents. CLD youth who grew up in the community are often placed on the periphery of the community, as their contact with the community is limited to informal jobs and consumption.

This project aims to create a foundation for CLD youth to broaden their perspectives, enhance their self-esteem, and proactively participate in society by proactively addressing local issues by strengthening learning and career support, while expanding their contact with the local community through workshops and film festivals, etc., mainly for CLD youth.

Output 1
Citizenship education workshop

Learn what is needed for citizenship formation in a workshop format

  • About 4 or 5 times a year. Workshop format

  • Conducted in various languages with consideration for language accessibilit


  • Workshop for critical thinking

  • Disaster prevention shop

  • High School Entrance Briefing/Consultation

  • Year-end party, Christmas party

  • Let's know about SDGs! Workshops, etc.

Output 2
SDGs Forum and SDGs Art Exhibition

[Purpose] A mechanism for young people to feel that they can proactively create the world of the future and participate in it. Event to think about the world together, especially for CLD children who tend to feel like non-constituents of society.

SDGs Forum ( was held in 2021)

Special page:

  • Presentations, workshops and discussions

  • Each team consists of 2-5 members (under 17 years old)

  • Presentation language is free, but must be understandable to a diverse audience (accessibility). However, consideration must be given to accessibility so that diverse audiences can understand the presentations.

  • Include native Japanese-speaking children in the team composition.

  • Proposal-based presentations on one of the SDG themes


SDGs Art Exhibition ( was held in 2023)

Special page:

  • Exhibition of SDG-themed artworks (total of 36 exhibits)

  • Artworks are invited from youths aged 6-18 in Toyama Prefecture (including CLD youths)

  • Workshops on digital art (taught by youth with foreign roots) and SDGs card game

Output 3
CLD Youth Film Festival ( was held in 2021 and 2022)
  • Communicate their awareness of issues, feelings and thoughts through films
  • Japanese and CLD youth will work as a team to make a film (documentary, etc.) set in the local community and hold a viewing party.
  • Conduct a filmmaking workshop in Takaoka to learn how to make a film.
  • Spread understanding of multiculturalism in the community through workshops combining film viewing and discussion

Contact us



35 Moriyama-machi, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture

1970 Nissen Building 402



TEL    080-8885-6823

Information disclosure

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